Our Story

Established is 2018 Kind Is Cool was founded with the intent to lead by example and show our younger generations that being kind is cool. Our mission has been to create a kinder world, to inspire people to choose kindness and to teach the next generation that kind is cool.

Every 15 seconds a child is bullied, 37% of workers reported being verbally bullied and the biggest killer of our youth is suicide. Statistics tell us that if we do nothing this week three young people will take their own lives. We are proud supporters of Bully Zero, GIVIT, Youth Projects and MND.

Toying with the idea of clothing as a blank canvas, we started using t shirts to spread kindness and inspire others to be kind! The t shirts are sourced from suppliers with high ethical and sustainability standards.

A small act of kindness can changes your mindset, it can brighten someones day, and it will start to create a kinder world.

Nothing changes if nothing changes. Be the change you want to see in the world, spread kindness and help support worthy causes. Feel great about every purchase knowing you are helping to make a difference in the world. The change started with you.

Be kind